This post might include affiliate links for products that I know and LOVE!
I wanted to share with you guys one of my BEST Mom hacks, an essential oil diaper bag kit. This baby goes with me everywhere and it cures a variety of problems. Feeling anxious? Bring out the kit. Tummy hurts? The kit will help with that. Toddler meltdown? Kit to the rescue.
Best of all, this kit is easy to make and actually sort of fun to tote around. The bag I got below is one that I got at a local thrift store. You can also get adorable cases on Amazon, like this one. I purchased my tiny bottles from Amazon as well. Here’s the link. I like this kit because it has a funnel, roller attachments, and a label.

Diaper Bag Essential Oil Kit Recipes
Here are the contents of my diaper bag essential oil kit and how I made each blend.
Valor: This blend is great for promoting confidence in social situations. It is my must-have these days!
Place 10 drops Valor essential oil in a 5 ml roller bottle. Fill the rest of the way with a carrier oil like this one.
Peace + Calming: My go-to for toddler meltdowns. This blend smells so, so good!
Place 10 drops Peace and Calming essential oil in a 5 ml roller bottle. Fill the rest of the way with a carrier oil like this one.
Tummy Relief: The best oil for car-sick tinies, husbands who ate too much at the buffet, or any queasy tummies.
Place 10 drops Tummygize essential oil in a 5 ml roller bottle. Fill the rest of the way with a carrier oil like this one.
Head Relief: If you feel any pesky head discomfort coming on, put a bit of this on your temples and lower neck! It is awesome and doesn’t smell overpowering like other blends.
Place 5 drops Lavender essential oil and 5 drops of Peppermint essential oil in a 5 ml roller bottle. Fill the rest of the way with a carrier oil like this one.
Wellness: This blend is put on my family’s spine before we go out! It’s great for eliminating yuck from bodies and warding off ick!
Place 10 drops of Thieves essential oil in a 5 ml roller bottle. Fill the rest of the way with a carrier oil like this one.

What other blends would you put in your kit? Let me know in the comments below!