This post might include affiliate links for products that I know and LOVE!
Hi, I’m Cate..
I wanted to share with you guys a little bit of my testimony here today. Testimony Tuesday? 🙂
And again.
And again.
Fast forward many weeks, multiple IVs, vomiting up to 40 times a day, a couple overnight hospital stays, and 1 ICU stay..My diagnosis was clear. Hypermesis.
Hypermesis is simply “Persistent severe vomiting leading to weight loss and dehydration, as a condition occurring during pregnancy.”
Vomiting that left me sick, disillusioned, and 25 lbs lighter than before I got pregnant. There was a short period of time when they weren’t sure if my son would make it let alone myself..and quite frankly there was a period of time where I didn’t want to make it.
My bathroom became my “spot”, complete with a pile of blankets to lay on. At my worst point, I couldn’t even stand to kiss my husband..and he’s one of the most hygienic guys out there!
I had to step down from my job earlier than I was going to because I couldn’t even get through an hour without getting sick.
Honestly, my life was pretty shaken up. Everything I knew..suddenly wasn’t the norm anymore. I’m pretty Type A, so that was a little stressful! But following Jesus never really is the norm. It’s an adventure. God calls us to places that are uncomfortable to help us learn and grow in Him. And trust me, through my sickness I learned a few things..
I learned that God is faithful. When I was really sick, I would constantly pray.. And honestly, in my weakness I had never felt the presence of God be so tangible in my life. For once, I was leaning on Him for every bit of strength I could muster. I felt the Love of God like I never had before.
The Doctors tried everything. I had literally 28 different medications prescribed to me. Nothing worked.
Then my Mom bought me this book at a thrift store called Supernatural Childbirth. The book was full of great Scripture confessions that covered sickness etc.
Funny how God shows His Power sometimes.
I prayed a prayer out loud that asked God to rid me of my sickness and within a few minutes my nausea had vanished. This wasn’t a one prayer fixes your whole sickness deal. If only if was that easy.. I had to pray everyday against my sickness.. Sometimes multiple times a day. But I learned the power of petitioning God. Of confessing the Word. I learned the power of God in general.
I also developed a new love for His Church as a whole. Not a certain denomination, but the Church. I had so many sweet believers who lifted me up before our Heavenly Father. The prayers of those Saints truly made a difference.
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living..”
Ps 27:13
Eventually my son was born and I did see the land of the living. What God had promised me.
No matter what you are going through today, God is able. His Word is powerful. He is faithful beyond a doubt. God is also good, no matter our circumstances. You can rest assured that “all things work together for good for those who are called.” That is YOU. Called. Chosen. Redeemed. Step into His Goodness.
This… is fantastic. LOVE you.
Thanks 🙂 LOVE you too <3
Thank you for this awesome testimony Cate! I'm so thankful that God hears. That He sustained you and encouraged you. I love how the right book at the right time came to you. 🙂 🙂 God is so good. How old is baby now?
A good word of testimony! The power of prayer is our greatest untapped resource, I believe. Sounds like you and Kate Middleton have something in common. Thanks so much for joining us at The Loft.
I'm so glad to read this today! Thank you for sharing with us and for the great reminder that God IS still at work, no matter what we are facing! Love that you've found us at The Loft…I'm always so blessed after reading your posts! 🙂
Cate, like the other commenters have said: this is a wonderful testimony! God has done amazing things through that rough season in your life and it shows. You have a story to share with others as well. I'm sharing this on my FB page today. Thank you so much for being part of The Loft. You are a dear sister and it is an honor to visit with you each week. {{Hugs}}
He is almost seven months! 🙂