This post might include affiliate links for products that I know and LOVE!
Contrary to popular belief, stay at home Mamas are not exempt from struggles! In fact, I have found a few common things that I struggle with on a monthly, sometimes even daily basis! I wanted to share those struggles with you today, as well as give you a few ways that we can combat these enemies and eventually overcome them. I’d love to hear what you struggle with and how you choose to fight your battles!

Enemy number one is a simple trap to fall into. Discontent or dissatisfaction can hit us when we least expect it. We look at a friend’s life, another Mama’s post on social media or even a dream home being built on HGTV and start comparing ourselves. Within minutes, our hearts sink and we begin to feel inadequate. We become discontent with our circumstances.
The best way I’ve fought this enemy is to give myself grace. My life circumstances are not those of the couple of HGTV, my financial state isn’t the same as my friend’s and to be honest, God’s plan for my life isn’t the same as that Mama on Instagrams is! Be content with yourself and with what God has given you at this moment. Purpose to do the best you can with what you have and in time, the Lord might bless you with more!
Stress is common for us stay at home ladies. I can say that stress levels run higher when you are the Mama of little ones (teenagers too, though I’ve never experienced this!). In one day I will stress about my child’s learning speed, safety, my finances, my life goals, etc.
I combat stress with a mixture of physical and spiritual things. I’ll say a Bible verse, apply an essential oil (I like patchouli, lavender, and grapefruit!), pray or take a bubble bath. I also found my post-partum anxiety to be too much to handle on my own, so I supplement these things with a prescription medication. I’ve found that memorizing Scriptures that pertain to anxiety and stress helps quite a bit.
Lack of Motivation
This enemy plagues me the least of all I mentioned, but it always rears its head when I need it the least. I think sometimes the fact that we can stay in our pajamas, watch Netflix and have lazy days makes us justify it a little more. While I’m all for the occasional lazy day, I can honestly say that lack of motivation affects my children and myself negatively!
Those little guys love having a routine to fall back on and their Mama needs a routine to get everything accomplished! Whenever I feel unmotivated, I like to do two things:
1. Consider my goals
I think about where I want to be in the near or far future. I picture the weight, style, home, car, children, etc. This is enough to motivate me to get my rear in gear!
2. Think about my why
I think about my reasons why I live the way that I do. Why do I have a daily quiet time, eat healthily and stay home with my children? Those reasons keep me going!
What are some things you struggle with?
Thanks for posting this and I appreciate you've included your reliance on your faith as well. This describes me and my life even down to the essential oils and jammies! Just being reminded we are not alone in our feelings helps. Thank you!