This post might include affiliate links for products that I know and LOVE!
It was one of “those” days, to say the least. My normally sweet toddler was cutting 5 (yes, 5!!) teeth at once, making him clingy, cranky and unable to sleep for the past three nights. At 33 weeks pregnant, resting well is a must, not a suggestion, so you can imagine how my heart was starting to look. The lack of rest and seeing my little one in pain were really taking its toll on my thought life. Soon enough, I began thinking thoughts of defeat and allowing insecurity to take root in my heart. My home got to be a really negative place, which is to be expected!
As a Mama, I know that I have a huge influence over my home. I know that I can make or break the way my family’s days go. When those hard days hit, I have two options: To break down or to get back up. The number one thing we must make an attempt to do on those rough days is to change our atmosphere. It’s so easy for our homes to get in a rut of defeat and negativity.
Having a game plan before those rough days hit is extremely important. When my days are hard, my mind gets so bogged down that I can’t even focus on the next thing, much less try to form a plan of action. Here are some simple things that you can do to change the atmosphere of your home and regain your peace.
Change What You Hear
Speaking of words, it’s a good idea to take a moment to think about how I am contributing to the negativity of my home. Am I complaining, criticizing, or condemning? Am I allowing things into my home that drag down my family’s spirit? All of those things can create a negative atmosphere extremely fast!