This post might include affiliate links for products that I know and LOVE!
It’s been a bit since I blogged about THM, so long that a few of you have asked if I’m still a Trim Healthy Mama! The answer to that question is a LOUD yes! I’ve lost all of my baby weight from my little Zion, who is now almost 4 months old. I am working on shedding the unneeded pre-baby weight which is actually coming off slow due to my decision to get the Depo-Provera shot. As the shot wears off and I start to practice the FAM method, I’m sure the weight will wear off too! 🙂
Lately, my life focus has been my finances, particularly increasing the amount of income that I, as a WAHM bring in. When I stick to a grocery budget, I am passively increasing my income because I’m not spending money that could be used for savings, etc.
I wanted to share with you a few of my top money-saving tips and tricks that I use to help deflect the cost of healthy eating. It’s my hope that you’ll learn something new from me today and that you’ll share some money-saving tips of your own!
Let’s get started!
1. Shop the Ads
2. Menu Planning
3. Stockpile..When You Can
4. Stick to the Basics
5. Use Spices
6. Leftovers
7. Cook One Meal
8. Don’t Be Snobby
9. Always Be Willing to Learn
10. Use Coupons
And a bonus tip..
Kate are you married? I never see a husband on any of your profiles which is why I asked. I know of a great lad headed into ministry in Utah that I think would be a match.
Lydia, reread #7. 😉
Lydia, reread #7. 😉
Hi, Lydia!
Yes, I am married. My husband works a lot and we don't find time to take many pictures together. We are working on documenting us as a couple, instead of just our children!
Thank you for the kind consideration though! 🙂
Good Morning Cate!
I saw where you mentioned buying THM items on sale in bulk and thought I’d chime in with a response. I have scoured the marked down bakery cart at WM and found Joseph’s Lavish Bread and Pitas marked down. I get all of the ones they have and freeze them for use in a variety of ways. I’ve found sprouted wheat bread at times as well for $1.69/loaf and bought all of them to freeze. I’ve made it a routine each time I go to WM to scour the bakery cart. Since they usually keep it in the dairy area, I can pick up my yogurt and scour the cart with very little effort.
That said, I noticed the WM Neighborhood stores do not normally have a mark down cart like the Super WMs have. But, the Neighborhood stores carry more gluten free items like brown rice pasta and more of a variety of Dream Fields pastas, whereas the Super WMs do not. I know it sounds strange, but that’s the way it is here in Georgia. 🙂 It makes planning and buying ahead interesting.
Have a Blessed Day!
Hey Regina!
I do the same thing. I love getting Joseph’s products for such a low price as well as the sprouted bread. Our markdown cart is near the dairy section too! 🙂 Mine is also a Super Walmart. Small town living lol! Thanks for the helpful tip! I totally forgot to mention that!
Your tips are so practical. I love this! Making from scratch is so much lower cost! I love finding THE approved foods markdowns at a local store names Grocery Outlet. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Miss Claire! <3 Yes, making from scratch is cheaper. It's also more fun..most of the time. 🙂 I love your video on YouTube about saving money by shopping Dollar Tree. I have one of those, I don't have a .99 store. Maybe someday!