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I was going through a hard time in my life, where I was constantly beating myself up for past sins. I always talk to my Mom about everything in my life, and she gave me a word that I really wanted to elaborate on today.
She told me, “You can either make this a monument, or an altar.”
I know that seems really confusing at first, but please bear with me just a bit longer. She reminded me of Jacob and how he wrestled with God. Eventually, he made an altar. An altar is a place where glory was ultimately given to God. It’s where they offered up a sacrifice for their issue, whatever it might have been and they then left it in the hands of God, knowing it was taken care of. Knowing it was covered. When you leave something in the hands of God, you can move on with your life with the knowledge that you are forgiven. That the situation is over with. Even if you approach this situation in your head, you can give God thanks for what He has done, and walk away with a testimony of His goodness and mercy.
A monument on the other hand is where you give glory to the situation. It’s where you build a shrine and you revisit the issue. You let the feelings and the memories take over you and suddenly you are right back in the mire of guilt. Almost as if you had never approached the Throne of Grace in the first place. That is no way to live, friends. Especially when you, as a Co-heir with Christ, have so much more available to you.
What have you built a monument to in your life? It can be anything from an offense, to a personal sin. It could be a person, or a really sucky situation. I urge you today to destroy those monuments and turn them into altars. Bring your sacrifice of praise confidently to the Throne of Grace and see how Father God transforms your life.
Be Blessed,
An Awesome blog to read this morning, Cate! I've never heard this explained so well.
Thank you Grandma! I love you!
Beautiful Words… very powerful. You have a very wise mother, and you did such a great job expanding on the concept. <3 Her statement will bring a lot of healing.