This post might include affiliate links for products that I know and LOVE!
Friends, Let me just share with you a simple fact today.. You. Are. Loved.
I know sometimes it’s hard to believe that fact. Our human nature is flawed at best, and we all have these secrets that we hide inside that can leave us thinking we are unlovable.
You are loved. With an everlasting love that doesn’t care if you messed up yesterday or even 5 minutes ago.
You are loved when you are being the best citizen ever.. And you are loved when you do the unthinkable.
You are loved when you are at your prettiest.. And you are loved at your ugliest.
You are loved when you have your act together.. And you are loved when you are a hot mess.
Not because you’re the prettiest or the brightest or the best, but simply because you.. Are.
You are loved by the very defining factor of Love itself and that is more than enough.
You’re not loved out of unwillingness, or an “I have to because..”, but you are Loved out of choice.
“This is how we know what Love is, Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.”
-1 John 3:16
And Love would do it all over again just to have the opportunity to love you.
So, in case you haven’t heard it lately.. You are loved, chosen, called, and beautiful.
Happy Thursday Loves.
Rest in His Love a little today, will you? π