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No woman is exempt from a chaotic day. No matter how zen your life is, chances are chaos will come knocking when you least expect it. When chaos comes, we have a choice to make: Continue and waste the day or redeem the day. Here are some tips for redeeming a chaotic day.

Talk to the Redeemer
Yes, it sounds cliche. But the best way to redeem a hard day is to ask the Redeemer Himself for a hand. Spend some time in the Word, listen to some uplifting praise/worship music and pray. If you have little ones, get them involved. The presence of God tends to put everyone in a better mood. 🙂
Get Organized
If you feel out of control, gain some perspective and get organized! This doesn’t hiring a service like Maid2Match Gold Coast for a huge cleaning spree (though I guess you could do that if you want!), but rather, a general plan for the rest of your day. Even if your day is so bad that you decide it’s a pajama and movie day, having a general plan creates some order to your day.
Tackle the Worst of It
Learn the practice of “good enough” on chaotic days. If your house is a mess, do the basics. Making your bed, doing the dishes and de-cluttering for a few minutes can make a world of a difference. Just looking at a clean surface area can be encouraging and can be enough to help you gather your bearings.
Change Your View
If you absolutely can’t stand the chaos in your home, leave! Go on a walk with your kids, play at a park, grab a cup of coffee by yourself, window shop- just get out and change your view!
Be Gentle With Yourself
If you’re in the middle of a chaotic, day the last thing you need to do is beat yourself up. Give yourself grace and be as gentle with yourself as you would a good friend going through the situation.
Think of the things that are going right in your day and celebrate them. If you get stuck and think you have no blessings, consider your family, your home, clothes or the simple fact that you woke up this morning. Your celebration can be something as simple as a “Woo-hoo!” or as elaborate as a special lunch. Dance with your kids, journal your blessings, create a collage of what you are inspired by. Make your celebration something that will boost your spirits.
Turn on Music
In my house, music is an instant mood-changer. The right music can pump me up, get my heart happy and create a fun atmosphere as opposed to one of chaos. Many times, a chaotic day can be redeemed by lifting our own spirits.
How do you get rid of the chaos?
These are some fantastic tips. And yes, having a house that "looks clean" does so much for my attitude, even if stuff is just shoved under the bed or into a closet. 😉 Thanks for sharing.
Yes, even our chaotic days (hours!) can be redeemed. And talking to the Redeemer is where it has to start, though that's the one I often forget. When I remember, those times are usually redeemed more quickly and more effectively. Sometimes just cleaning the kitchen counter or stovetop helps set me straight . . . other days we really do have to change the view. Amazing how getting outside the house can make the house look different when we return. Here's to continuing to redeem every chaotic moment rather than succumbing to it!
I love these! Sometimes I'm a little to quick to chalk a day up as a loss and say it'll be better tomorrow. These are great ideas for turning a bad day around. Thanks for sharing these! 🙂
Great encouragement here! My favorite point is "Celebrate," or as my Grandma would say, "Count your blessings." 🙂 We had a rough day here recently, and it blessed my heart beyond measure to hear my daughter encouraging her brother to remember all the things we have to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing this with us at Grace & Truth!
I like to start my day writing in my gratitude journal and reading my Bible that tends to calm the chaos before it has time to start. But if and when it does I try to get music playing or get my kids outside if the weather allows it. Usually everyone just needs to breathe in the fresh air and get their energy out. Great list!