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Dear NICU Mommy;
I can picture you now..among the monitors and cords and the ever-constant noise. I can see the look in your eyes that can only come from ruined expectations. Those are the most disappointing, right? When you have the birth plan all laid out. Custom chevron gown. Photography capturing you and your sweet family. Cookies for the nurses. Or maybe, that was just me. You see, I was you a few months ago.
Many times over this period, you will feel like you are just banging on the door, yelling for God to open it up so you can move forward in life. Some days there will be a lot of progress, some days..none. All the emotions you are feeling are fine. Express them to God. He already has walked through the halls of the hospital with you. Already sat in that chair. Already has a plan for your sweet little one.
There is no easy way out of this life season. Live day to day. Celebrate the littlest milestones. Find something to be happy about every-day. Love on your baby. I mean, really love on him/her. Get involved with the care of your baby any way possible, whether that is changing a diaper, helping with the bath- anything to help you be as involved as possible. Utilize your resources. I remember I had a lactation consultant, experienced nurses, doctors galore. Ask them questions about everything and anything. Chances are, they’ve heard it all.
Keep yourself busy. I had puzzle books, reading materials, and craft supplies. All of those things helped me keep my sanity. Get out of the NICU room for a few minutes every day. Whether that means going to the cafeteria for a meal or even the snack machines. Sometimes a little break is all that is needed for you to refocus.
Speaking of focus, this is my son today. At home. Happy and mischievous π Your time in the NICU will end. You will be home, starting your new normal..whatever that looks like. Focus on the end result. The days when you can look back and breathe a deep sigh of relief. You are strong and courageous, Mommy. You are a fighter. You will get through this. Your baby will get through this.
AKA “The Little Mommy in Room 11”