This post might include affiliate links for products that I know and LOVE!
Living naturally has been a hot topic lately and for good reasons! Regular cleaning products have been shown to contain unregulated chemicals that harm not only the environment but also your body. The chemicals in foods, paper products and even some of our beauty supplies can do permanent damage not only us, but our children as well. As a Mama to two little ones, I’ve made the decision to slowly but surely switch over to a more natural way of life. Here are some things I’m doing:
Using Essential Oils
My Mom over at Plan and Simple Homesteading got my hooked on this trick. I diffuse oils many times in place of Scentsy cubes, I use them to help with various aches and pains and I use them to help calm my toddlers. I’m not brand loyal, I just purchase the best quality I can afford, many times from Amazon! There are so many things you can use essential oils for. They’re one of the best natural living tools out there!
Switching to Cloth Diapers and Wipes
I started using cloth diapers about two years ago after knowing absolutely nothing about them. I read Erin Odom’s book, “Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert” and was completely sold on the idea. It was a lot simpler than I ever imagined. We buy our diapers from Alva Baby. They’re cute, durable and they don’t leak. I purchase my wipes from a few different sellers on Etsy. Buying cloth diapers and wipes that will last 2 little men until they are both potty trained only cost my family about $230. That’s compared to the average $550 that a parent spends on disposables during the first year of their child’s life. Not only has my family saved money and paper waste, but we’ve also eliminated most diaper rashes! Score. 🙂
Making Homemade Cleaning Products As Time Allows
This is such a money-saver, but it does require a little time and effort. I like to make simple solutions, such as a vinegar and water spray for surface cleaning or one of the easy to make furniture cleaners from Little House Living’s book. These cleaners cost pennies, don’t require a lot of expensive ingredients and are basically pour and shake solutions.
Purchasing Natural Cleaning Supplies As Budget Allows
I’m going to be honest. As much as I’d love to, I just don’t have time or energy to do everything..including make all of my own natural cleaning supplies. When it comes to certain things, like safe cleaning products, I’d much rather spend a little bit and have the better option rather than hurt my family with unpronounceable ingredients. I absolutely adore Grove Co. (formerly ePantry) for natural cleaning supplies. Not only are their supplies reasonably priced, but they also give top-notch customer service.
Growing My Own Herbs
I don’t have the space to create a huge garden yet, so this year I am aiming to grow my own herbs. Not only will this reduce the packaging waste that herbs come in, but it also gives me a chance to know exactly what’s going into those little plants. It will also create a super fun project for my toddlers and I!
Eating Real Food When Possible
As a Trim Healthy Mama, I do my best to eat real food. This means as little processed stuff as possible! While my family doesn’t eat 100% clean, we do make a lot of things from scratch. If I’m going to buy something processed, like fruit snacks for my toddlers, I try to make sure that it’s as healthy of a product as I can afford. I’ll be honest and say that I can’t always afford organic food.. actually, I rarely can afford organic food. Thankfully food doesn’t have to be organic to be real. 🙂
Learning as Much as Possible to Create the Best Choices for My Family
There are so many approaches out there to help women live naturally. From the Mama who’s just looking to eat a little better, to the purist wanting a complete life overhaul, you can never learn too much! I enjoy reading blogs and perusing Pinterest. You can also take essential oil classes and learn about natural eating with online classes.
Living a natural life isn’t about eating all organic food or about purchasing top quality products. There are many simple hacks like the ones I listed above that get you started on a healthier track, without a lot of money or hassle! What are you doing to create a more natural life?
Great post! I used to cloth diaper and I loved it. My 2nd child is one right now and I am thinking about starting again with her!
Me gusta este articulo. No sabes el tiempo que llevaba buscando. Thank you !! Besitos !!