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Recently, I was reflecting on quiet times of yesteryear. You know, those days where quiet time with God was a top priority and you could spend about an hour basking in his presence with a warm muffin and cup of coffee? As much as I love being a Mama, I really miss those days at times! I was actually having a bit of a pity party, then I realized that I can still experience the presence of God for extended periods of time..even all day! I just have to make a little bit of extra effort. Maybe you’re in the same boat. Or maybe, you just want to add a little more Jesus to your day because who couldn’t use more of Him? I’d love to get your ideas on this topic and I also wanted to share a few of my own.
Work in Bite-Sized Pieces of The Word
I also have seen a lot of ladies memorize little portions of Scripture. I like this idea because it would give me something to refer back to, even during those busy times. I’ve found that if I have my Bible out in the open, like on my kitchen island I’m more likely to gravitate towards it and read a few verses when I have a minute or two.
I was pretty hungry for the things of God when I was a mom of littles. I was on the worship team and by the time I got done with prep and then worship, the littles would need to be fed. I often 'missed' the service or got snippets from the nursing mother's room. I used to think I wasn't getting fed enough since it was not 'as much' as before. The Lord really helped me to see that with my heart open, He would allow me to hear just what I needed, just what He had for me. He knew my circumstances, and they were not going to snuff out what He had for me! I was quite relieved when I understood that! Blessings dear sweet moms of littles! I remember those days!
I just wanted to tell you that i love this. I also feel like he allows me to see or hear things just when i need to hear them the most. THIS POST is actually one of those times. Thanks so much. God bless you. ❤
Hi, Kristen!
Thank you! I feel so blessed by your words. <3 God knows just what we need! Have a wonderful week!
I, too, am a Type A and am trying to get beyond that. I also love to listen to Joyce Meyer podcasts. I believe God really speaks to me through her preaching. What she says resonates with me. In one of her podcasts she talks about how she used to write down all she did to worship Him – she counted how long she prayed; she set goals of how much Scripture to read; etc. She went on to say one day God told her, ” Stop it. You’re counting & keeping track for you, not Me. And, I don’t like it.” When I listened to that podcast I finally ‘got it’. I need & want quality time with God, & that is what He wants as well. Thank you for this blog post. Good stuff!
I have heard that podcast before, Terry! While I didn’t go so far as to keep a physical list, I most definitely used to keep a running total in my head. It was so easy for guilt to creep in! Then, I realized that it’s like with any other relationship, I give my best and RELAX! It’s hard for us Type A ladies to remember. It looks like you have a good handle on it, though. 😉 Thank you for sharing what God spoke to your heart. It was a great reminder!
I love that these ideas are practical and easy to work into my day! In the past, I’ve left my Bible out on the kitchen counter, open to a verse I want to meditate on, and found that to be a great way to keep a right focus throughout my day. I think I need to get back to that practice!!
That’s my favorite idea listed! I’m working my way through John right now. Powerful! 🙂