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Gratitude is extremely important, yet it’s really only focused on during the holiday season. The truth is, we can live a life of gratitude long after the snow has melted. In our day-to-day lives, it can be hard to see our situations as something to be grateful for. No matter how rough life is, there is something to be grateful for every single day.
Here are a few things you can do to start living a gratitude-filled life:
Write it Down
Get Everyone Involved
Make gratitude a family event by having each member say what they are thankful for a few times a week over dinner. Ask your family what they love about their lives, or what blessing they received today. Get those little minds thinking about what makes their life so blessed! Last Winter, my little guys and I made a blessing tree. A simple tree made of construction paper. We used leaf templates and wrote a certain blessing on each leaf. We decided to keep adding to it and we keep it up all year!
Create An Environment of Gratitude
Make It Fun!
Make gratitude fun, not drudgery. Express your creative side, take pictures of what you’re grateful for. Make a collage, sew a needlepoint, paint pictures of blessings, or take a nature walk. Think out of the box on this one!
One of the best ways to get the gratitude ball rolling is to volunteer. Doing something for someone else makes you grateful for what you do have. It takes your mind off you and places the focus on making the life of someone else better. What can be more gratitude-inducing than that?
You got it, Girl! Game changer for me too when I read Ann's One Thousand Gifts. Thank you for your post! Blessings my Friend!
Thank you for stopping by! 🙂 Have a great week!